Sukup Fastir®
The Sukup Fastir® Stirring Machine is simply the best stirring machine available. Patented mechanical reversing makes the Fastir trouble-free, and constant pitch augers move more grain than the graduated pitch augers of other stirring machines.
All of these features make the Sukup Fastir® one of the simplest and most dependable stirring machines on the market.
Design III Stir-Ator
These machines provide the most thorough, systematic, and time-tested stirring pattern on the market. Whether purchasing a new bin or updating present storage for drying, a Stir-Ator can cut drying time by 50% in a low temperature bin. A Stir-Ator can also help store grain by serving as a management tool for grain conditioning.
Red Giant Stir-Ator
The Red Giant Stir-Ator is a 4 or 6 auger stirring machine designed for drying bins using high heat and large airflows. The extra augers provide the additional stirring required with high drying rates. The Red Giant uses a roller chain positive drive system to move the trolley in and out as the Stir-Ator moves around the bin to generate the familiar DMC spiral stirring pattern.